I have also been working this summer on a project (that will hopefully get me published) and trying desperately to get my thesis off the ground. Several months ago I developed an interest in teeth and the many different ways in which teeth are useful in forensic investigations. One of the most useful techniques used to determine the age of a subadult is the growth and development of teeth. If the subadult has some sort of pathology or disease, however, the accuracy of the age estimate will be affected. This is what I plan to look at in my thesis. More specifically, I will be looking at the affects of cerebral palsy on the growth and development of teeth. Hopefully everything works out and I will be able to collect enough resources to get this thing off the ground.
Connor has been growing by leaps and bounds! He's 25 lbs now and climbs everything! He loves music and is already trying to sing along. His favorite song is "Old McDonald" and he loves to say tweet-tweet and meow-meow at the appropriate times. His vocabulary has expanded to include dog and well (his version of Noel, who is visiting right now by the way). He is also climbing stairs now. He's not quite tall enough yet to actually walk up the stairs but he is certainly a good climber.
Well that's probably enough for now. I will leave you with some pictures taken recently during our hot hot days and the Fourth of July. (These are for you Grandma!!! Noel told me you were waiting anxiously for some new pictures of Connor.)
The thesis is what makes me dread the idea of going on to get my masters, in anything. I hope your project goes well! Getting published would be awesome!
awww....that is SUCH a cute pic of you and Connor. :)
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