Saturday, December 08, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Wow! Life has been moving at an incredible pace these last few weeks. Can you believe it....we have exactly four weeks to go until the due date! In one week he will be considered full term so the doctor told me to start expecting him sometime next week all the way through January. I am so not patient enough for this! I'm seeing the doctor now every week and the bear seems to be doing just great. He's already in the right position and is gaining weight every day! Or maybe that's just me. =) Anyway, he still moves quite a bit although I think the dancing and kickboxing is over for now due to lack of room, thank goodness!

Our trip down to Mississippi for Thanksgiving went really well. Mississippi is actually really beautiful at this time of year. The day we drove down there it was 80 degrees and I was thinking that it was really weird to be having this kind of weather for Thanksgiving. The next day, however, we woke up and it was a beautiful clear 40 degree day. Now that's Thanksgiving. Another new Thanksgiving experience we had was having collard greens with dinner. These took me by surprise. Dinner, however, was wonderful and we had a lot of fun spending time with Tom's family. I was so glad we were able to make the trip down there. The entire ride home I sat in the back seat with my feet up asking Tom a bunch of really stupid questions to keep him awake.

School is finally almost over! I only have a take home test to finish and an impossible statistics paper to write. I'm so close to being done I can almost taste it! Overall, however, the semester was actually a pretty good one. I enjoyed most of the classes and met a whole bunch of really great people. I'm even getting excited about continuing in the field of forensic anthropology and starting my Master's research. Who knows though, I may yet end up back in medicine again. I just have too many interests. =)

Well happy holidays everybody. After I finish my last paper I will be able to write more often and keep everybody informed on how the baby is progressing. We're almost there!


Rachel said...

I'm progressing on that hat and such. I should be mailing by mid-week next week. Hopefully your little bear waits until his new hat arrives. :)

Karlyn said...

Well it looks like he is going to wait for his hat. I had a doctor's appointment today and she said I haven't dilated at all and the cervix is still pretty thick. So it looks like we still have a ways to go. Unfortunately he won't be getting me out of finishing my statistics paper on time...oh well =)

Heidi said...

Hey it was SOOOO good to talk to you again! I hope you beat that stats paper to a bloody pulp...I just finished this afternoon then cut off all my hair, it feels great! I can't wait to see you guys but Bear most of all:)