Friday, October 05, 2007

Baby Update

So far everything is going great with our energetic baby boy. He continues his dancing every time I sit down which you actually see by the slight movements my tummy makes. He's about 25 weeks now and looks something like this...

Honestly it's hard for me to believe that he's already that developed! Hopefully we will be getting another ultrasound soon so we can see what he really looks like. We were finally approved for the state's health insurance program and are hoping for all of our important material to show up early next week. Yay...finally! It has been a really long and drawn out process. My next vote for president will be for anyone who is in support of a drastic reform of this stupid industry. I found it really interesting that the bill that President Bush just vetoed is one that was going to expand a federally funded health insurance program for pregnant women and children who don't qualify for their own state's program...boy am I glad I'm poor enough to get the state's help since my country doesn't seem to want to help me.

I thought I'd also throw in some pictures of our apartment. It may be small but we've tried to make it feel like home.

Here's the living room...

and the kitchen (oh! and an apple pie that I baked from scratch! Can you believe it? I actually made something from scratch!)...


Rachel said...

long gone are the days of smoldering ruined bratwurst. :) I'm glad you qualify too. Yet another reason to hate the bushman. i have so many, it's hard to keep them all straight. I'm really impressed with the baby's size! you're right, that's quite hard to imagine that something that developed and incredible is currently growing inside of your body. amazing. :)

Heidi said...

Wow, miss domestic now! I'm totally jealous of that apple ie. I tried once, and, well...I'm just thankful no one fell ill...I'm SO GLAD you got that insurance! Praise the Lord!!! And your apartment looks completely you, sper cute and cozy. And your baby also looks very handsome. I think he has your nose.