Friday, November 09, 2007

Little Bear

*Sigh* Another visitor has come and gone and we are now left to deal with the bleak winter of Central Michigan by ourselves. Tom's mom spent the last week with us and once again I put my homework on the back burner. This weekend will inevitably be full of stats, murder, and skeletal trauma. Anyway, Tom's mom took us shopping and we now have a very cute bassinet, a baby swing, and new clothes (for the baby of course). Tom was complaining that the baby has a bigger wardrobe than he does and the baby isn't even here yet. We have been calling him little bear lately, due to the fact that he feels like a little bear moving inside my tummy. So we have been buying him clothing with bears on it. He'll be so cute! Wow...listen to me...did anyone ever think I would be saying things like that?

I finally had a doctors appointment last Monday and everything is going great. The little bear is healthy and has a strong heartbeat. We have been approved to make the long car trip down to Mississippi for Thanksgiving as long as I drink tons of water and get out and walk every hour and a half. That is going to make one long trip!

Winter has finally come to the Lansing area. We had our first snow yesterday! It didn't stick around very long but it was cool to see it snow so early. Most of the leaves have fallen off the trees so the landscape is looking rather dead. Snow makes everything look better.


Rachel said...

until it turns into slush that has turned gray. ew.

The bear thing is so cute. :) I'm going to have to remember that... when are y'all coming in January?

Karlyn said...

He won't even be here until Jan. 5th and then I have the American Academy of Forensic Science Conference to go to in February. I'm becoming a member and need to see how things are presented there since I will be presenting the following year. Washington DC in makes me shiver just thinking about it! Anyway, I think we will try and make it back by mid to end of February. The drive back is also going to be really nasty. Way too much snow if you ask me!

Rachel said...

heh... you mean you EXPECT him to be here Jan 5. :) I was on time (a day off, I think), but most of my cousins were not. Yes, too much snow. My parents drove from Bremerton to Norfolk Virginia when I was two months old. They said that I got cold really easily, said I had cried for hours and they'd done everything they could think of, then turned up the heat, and I stopped. Hopefully your little one doesn't get cold easily.

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