Friday, March 14, 2008

The many faces of Connor

Last Tuesday Bear had his two month appointment. He is now 12 lbs and 5 oz! The doctor was amazed at the fact that when he was born he was only in the 25 percentile for overall size and now he is in the 75%. We have a big boy! He is also cooing and trying so hard to talk to us. His smiles are the most beautiful thing...I can't get enough.
Well Tom is back at work now and Connor and I are just hanging out. I'm so glad I was able to take this time off to spend with my son. Every moment is so precious.


Rachel said...

he's so adorable! :) i like the slightly confused/upset third one. :) also, i have lost 5 lbs since starting WW almost four weeks ago!! I am really pleased with that. :D we need to plan something for this week...

Karlyn said...

Sure, Connor had his appointment...$214 we find he is just fine. I guess he just has narrow nasil passages so a stuffy nose sounds like a big deal. Oh well. So what would you like to do?

Heidi said...

He's so adorable! I can imagine that all you want to do is look at him smile all day! Hey, send me your cell number so that I can call! All I have now is your parents # (I don;t know why I have such trouble keping track of your numbers) but I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU!!! Enjoy your beautiful son!

Rachel said...

i don't really care, but something. I've been working every day now since Monday. I could arrange a long lunch or a half day or something. I kind of wanted to go to the market and Lark in the Morning and stuff.

I'm glad Connor's not sick. :) although, the $214 to find out he has narrow nasal passages... :( my mom still has your cell....