Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh wow...

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I have had a crazy couple of weeks which included moments where I was thinking I was on top of the world and others where it was more along the line of..."what on earth have I got myself into." I guess life is just like that though. To make a long story short the lab has been very busy...very very busy. I did, however, get to work on my first recent murder case. Very CSI/Law and Order. I survived my first trip to the morgue and boy do I have some stories to tell. Unfortunately, they are not the type of stories that should be written all over a blog so...moving on!

Our little family is doing great. Tom is now working part-time in the evenings and Connor is still growing like mad. He has all four of his top incisors which give him the cutest smile I have ever seen. He is also moving around like crazy, rolling from side to side and scooting all over the floor on his back. His Halloween costume came in the mail the other day and looks great on him! Our little lobster. Well, I have yet another bone test tomorrow so I must be off. Happy Wednesday to you all!

1 comment:

Carmel said...

I love the fall pictures of Connor! Fall is such a beautiful time of year, I definitely love it when all the leaves turn different colors. It makes the commute to work full of color. I just don't like raking the leaves, or when they get covered in snow and in the you step thru slush into muddy decomposing leaves, yuck! Happy Veterans day!