Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our town

I miss the Northwest, where the changing seasons move subtly from warm to cool to warm again. Here in Michigan we endure 5 months of brutally cold winter that never seems to end. Connor and I have been watching snow flakes dance outside of our windows this morning while listening to Craig's music. It has been very peaceful but honestly, I am so tired of feeling cold! In honor of the spring that never seems to come I thought I'd share some pictures of the new town that we live in that were taken during the summer.

Here's to that elusive Spring...may it come quickly and warm our frozen bones!


Rachel said...

yet another reason to blow that joint as soon as school is finished. ;) Connor's got quite a widow's peak! can't believe he's already more than a year old. WOW. :)

Karlyn said...

You're telling me...I will be running! I guess there are something like six jobs open right now for forensic anthropologists in Hawaii with the Navy...*drool*

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you all about last weekend... it was like a step into the past and being engulfed in memories of Jr. High. Michael had his first solo & ensemble! He plays baritone and played a piece in a little brass quartet. It was great! It's funny too because there were a bunch of CKPC families there. Little Kevin Highfield was one of the trumpet players so the Highfields were there... after that we went to Michael's soccer game at Pendergast Park. I've been going through a bunch of old stuff at my parents house whenever I visit and I found a bunch of X-files mementos and letters that we wrote to each other :) So... how are you guys doing?!