Friday, February 18, 2011

New beginnings

Hi there's been awhile...a LONG while. This last year has been crazy to say the least with finishing classes, moving back to Washington, starting jobs, reconnecting with family and friends, finding a home, finding another get the picture. I figured, however, that it was time to start writing again due to the fact that life is so short and children grow so fast. We are embarking on yet another adventure with the arrival of our second child sometime at the end of October. Life never seems to slow down for this family of ours but that's okay. My goal is to find peace in the small quiet moments of everyday life.

As of now I am roughly 8 weeks pregnant and feeling...uhhh...okay. I seem to be the best in the morning but by the time 5 pm rolls around I am through! says the baby is the size of a kidney bean and we should be able to hear the heartbeat within the next two weeks. Sometimes I can't believe this is happening all over again. I think at this point our excitement and absolute terror have combined to make us somewhat dumbfounded but thrilled at the same time. I am always amazed at the range of emotions that a pregnant woman is capable of!

This week we are at the beach with the family so I will be posting pictures soon. Here's to a new beginning on this blog and the start of yet another adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! A new baby! :) I am absolutely thrilled! If you are all settled into your new home, I would love to request a visit please. My sister will be spending her spring break with us next week, but after that Hayden and I will be available!