Monday, December 17, 2007

Almost there...

Ugh! Two weeks and five days to go and boy am I feeling it! Everything seems to hurt and itch at the same time. It's all worth it though. Every time he moves I'm reminded of how awesome this whole process is. Pregnancy and delivery aren't miracles in themselves, but the entirely new individual that is produced from the process sure is. Even though he hasn't made an appearance yet, he obviously has his own personality and likes and dislikes. I can already tell he loves to hear music. Whenever he's moving around like mad all I have to do is sing to him and he gets really still. After which he usually ends up with the hiccups. I can't wait to meet him!

We had a doctor's appointment today and everything is still going great. He's still in the right position for delivery and has a really strong heartbeat. We also toured the birthing center where the delivery will take place. I've never been excited about delivering in a hospital but the rooms are really nice and they seem to be committed to providing a mother centered experience. Too many hospitals and obstetricians still prescribe to the view that women need to be rescued from the labor process. This usually results in a lot of medication and superfluous procedures. The way I see it is that women have been doing this for...well...forever. So why mess up such a natural process if not absolutely necessary. We'll see though. I could be like one of those women from the movies who are screaming for an epidural two minutes into labor. =)


Kiran said...

Hey, I like the new look for your blog. Looks like I'm going to be watching Buddy while your family visits you in January. I'll send your Christmas present over with your mom.

Karlyn said...

Thanks! I was getting bored with the old one. So you get to watch buddy! That means you get the kamikazi hamster too. Sounds like fun. I can't wait to see you guys when we come home. Should be some time in February. We still need to get the cats together. =)

Heidi said...

You must be done with school as I can see you're remodeled your blolg, it looks great and almost temps me to get one... I'm so glad everything has fallen into place and is moving forward for you two (three!) I can't wait to see you guys! HOw'd your stats paper turn out? I MISS YOU!

Karlyn said...

Done with school finally with grades intact! The paper went pretty well considering we had very little direction. Oh well. I think all of my classes from now on will be forensic anthro classes and some law classes so that will be nice. We miss you too!