Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

*Sigh* Well this was probably the quietest Christmas I have ever had. Being only 10 days away from our due date, we weren't allowed to go anywhere. We did make a really good dinner and I made my first cheese cake...yay. While shopping for the ingredients for this Christmas dinner I became thoroughly disgusted with my fellow Central Michiganers and the whole "holiday" season in general. It took me nearly two hours to complete picking up the items on a relatively small list at our local Meijer. Every isle of the store was packed with angry people who were fighting over the last one of "this" or the missing "that". We've also been watching a lot of TV lately due to the lack of anything else to do in East Lansing during Christmas. This depressed me even more. For the last week we have been bombarded by commercials counting down the number of shopping days until Christmas. And then the day after Christmas it's all about the after Christmas sales...spend, spend, spend. ahh! Even if you aren't a religious person the holiday season should mean something more than's just depressing. For two people who can't be with our families this Christmas, the season has taken on a whole new meaning.

We had another appointment today and everything is still going really well. Bear's heart rate has slowed down and he's still in the right position. Now if we could only get him moving...10 days to go and counting. I think we have decided on Connor Elijah Nance. We have been working on this name forever and this one has finally stuck. We have also decided to take Spring semester off and come home for awhile so we can spend time learning how to be parents and let everybody else meet the baby. It looks like I will be flying back with the baby in early February and Tom and one of his friends will be driving the car back shortly after. It will be so nice to be back in the Northwest!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that your Christmas wasn't as spirited as it should've been. The whole shoppers craze does put a damper on the true meaning of the holiday. Once again, I'm sorry to not be in closer contact with you. I have a package sitting here for you and I realized... I don't know if you've changed your name or not! Did you keep Lawrence? I will get the package in the mail as soon as I know. I'm also thrilled to hear that you are all coming back home for a while! Dan and I are planning on moving back to the Seattle area as soon as he graduates. I would love to spend a little time with you if possible :) Good luck with these last few days! You will be an amazing mother!

Karlyn said...

Nope...I changed it to Nance. Can you believe that? Miss independent changed her last name. I tried to hyphenate it but it wouldn't all fit on the social security card so I figured I might as well. It will be so nice to come home and see everybody! Is Dan still interested in law enforcement?

Heidi said...

sorry your Christmas was less than satisfying. It's so hard to stay away from all the frenzied commercialism, I honestly think I would enjoy the season more if we didn't exchange gifts. When everyone seems to be strapped for cash, and also feel obligated to get a gift for everyone you've ever met... it get's stressfull and I lose sight of the real reason. Yuck! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Lawrence-Nance... that is pretty long :) I really want to see you if I can when you come back home! Dan is still interested in law enforcement. He's currently in the hiring process with State Patrol, Redmond, Tacoma, Monroe, and Lake Stevens PD. Hopefully we'll hear some good news in a few months! How are you and Little Bear holding up these last few days? It's almost time!