Sunday, December 30, 2007


Okay...I'm ready to have a baby now! Hehe, if only it were that easy. I would have to say that so far my pregnancy has been fairly easy, up until this week. I have now become so uncomfortable poor Tom is probably getting really tired of hearing my constant complaining. Oh well. Only six days left if Bear is on time. I really can't over emphasize how slow the time is going now. Most of our days are filled with movies, books, and strange conversations seeing as even venturing outside is hard due to the extremely icy roads and sidewalks. I just love Michigan winters.

As you may have noticed, the template for my blog has changed several times within the last few days. I have tired to use several different layouts created by independent people but each one has had its share of bugs. Being rather inept when it comes to computers I didn't have the patience to figure out the what the problems were and reverted back to one of Bloggers basic templates. Unfortunately I really can't stand the way it looks now so it will probably change several more times before too long.


Rachel said...

I was supposed to overnight your stuff today, but I'm going to have to overnight it tomorrow because I'm currently completely discombobulated, and at this rate, it won't even reach you in time. :( Course, I have visions of you trying to use the little booties or hats and being completely the wrong size. I am so freaking paranoid. I'm sorry you're bored... I noticed you set up a flickr page, so I added you. :) I hope he comes soon, but not so soon that your hat doesn't reach you. :D

Heidi said...

Hey, wow, I sypmathizewith you (as if I know at all what you're going through! Maybe I can sympathize with Tom...) OK, I had the best of intentions, but I started a blanket for Bear, and I've bitten off way more than I can chew. OOPS! I'm just a bit frustrated. Needless to say, not much got done during the semester, so now I'm kind of in a cunundrum. I'm hoping to get it to him before he's graduated...