Sunday, September 14, 2008

And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down...

Can you tell we have been watching the classic Winnie the Pooh cartoons? Anyway...It has been raining non-stop now for a day and a half. This would be a regular occurrence in Seattle but something entirely different here in Michigan. They have put our county under a flood warning and we may even get the last remnants of hurricane Ike here in the next few days...oh boy.

Well Noel's short trip to Michigan has come and gone and she is now a resident of Bellingham, Washington. I'm so proud of her! Going away to college for the first time isn't an easy thing. Not to mention the fact that our parents are also heard me right. After 21 years this part of the Lawrence family will no longer be living in the Bremerton/Poulsbo area. My Dad is now the President of a school near Mt. Shasta in Northern California. We are so proud of him. This is something he has worked so hard for! Go Dad!

It is the strangest feeling, however, that my parents are no longer living in the place I grew up. In some ways it feels like having a foundation ripped out from underneath you, but in a good way. This is the perfect opportunity to begin focusing on the future and preparing to raise a toddler. I will close with the wise words of Buzz Light Year..."To infinity and beyond!" =)


Rachel said...

congrats to your dad! That's really wonderful. :) my mom's fiance lives in E. Texas, they were having to ride out the storm there as well. Craziness. We have clear blue skies and sun! ;) yeah, it was weird when my parents moved to Hermiston, same dealio. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, though - after being away for so long, it's great to be back permanently. :)

Karlyn said...

Your mom's fiance? Wow...say congrats to her for me. Oh by the way, I'm trying to locate Rene's email address for you. Don't worry. I'm not ignoring your email. =)

Kiran said...

Connor looks so fierce as a lion!
Well, now that your parents are gone, if none of your other relatives in the area can put you up we have a couple beds and could even bring out the old crib. Just so you know.

Karlyn said...

That would be fun. Do you think the cats would get along?

Heidi said...

Hey, sorry I haven't been keeping in touch so well, but I'm so glad you keep up on your blog so I can keep up with you and your beautiful family! I promise my blog looks SO GREAT in my head... Sooner or later I'll share it with everyone else...How's school?

Karlyn said...

I haven't been doing my part either. Life is so crazy! I will can this weekend though...promise!