Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dropped off the face of the Earth!

Sorry about that! We did make it home in one piece but I ended up getting really sick. I've been lying around my parents house sweating with a 101.0 degree temperature. Normally the temp is enough to drive someone up a wall...try it with a baby...oh my gosh. I would have died without my Mom!

The plain ride went pretty well minus a few fussy moments. I was pretty impressed with him. Poor Tom is still driving at this point and is somewhere in South Dakota...or maybe Wyoming. Poor guy.

Exciting news! Bear is now smiling at me and these aren't your pooping or I have gas smiles. These are real "I'm happy to see Mommy" smiles. I"m so proud!

I think we are now ready to start seeing people so give me a call if you'd like to see us! If you don't have our number just email me and I will send it to you. Yay! We are home!


Heidi said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! Sounds like you've all had a huge transition, and ready to get settled in...I just moved too! A whole lot has happened in such a short time, but I really want to come see you all, and I'm in Bremerton most sundays, so if a Sunday afternoon works for you, that would be great! Lemme know when you feel up to it, and I'm not sure what number to call you at...? See you soon!

Karlyn said...

We are living with my parents for the next couple weeks so you can call me there. Any Sunday would be fine. Just let me know.

Rachel said...

hehe... we're working into little slots - i'll take Saturday, heidi has sunday.... ;) Can't wait to see you!!!