Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Okay...time for some ranting! It has come to my immediate attention that the health insurance industry in this country is a joke! One would assume that an industry whose main goal is to take care of the "health" of it's country would not allow pregnant women to go uninsured. Isn't it funny that it is against federal law to call pregnancy a preexisting condition and yet every single insurance company out there calls it one...with a six to twelve month waiting period. They have found so many ridiculous loop holes in this god forsaken system that they are actually getting away with it. I guess this is what happens when you allow your country's health care to be a "for profit" system.

Enough of that. On to happier news. I'm afraid Tom and I will have quite a rascal on our hands come January. It seems he loves not only to move around a little here and there but he also likes to dance, do gymnastics and occasionally try his hand at martial arts. I'm sure it will get more and more interesting as he grows. A new life is truly an amazing thing!


Rachel said...

When's your due date again? Yes, the health insurance system sucks. And it's unfortunate. At least it's SO bad that every candidate is talking about it this election cycle, even the repubs. Maybe something will happen....

Rachel said...

okay, nevermind - just saw your last comment back. :) he'll be like an early birthday present. :D

Karlyn said...

Yup, a burping, pooping and vomiting present. But a wonderful one too. =)

Heidi said...

It makes me angry that the US has the most sophisticated and advanced medical practice in the world, and yet 40 million Americans lack insuarance, (and most of them are employed). I'm with Rachel, something really needs to happen...